Designed to be easy to use, intuitively pluggable and safe, the 570 series easy locking connector (ELC) from binder is recommended for sensitive homecare applications. It has been engineered to be robust and bio-compatible and meets the requirements for electromechanical connectivity in medical devices.
Weartech-Components & Hardware
Waterproof pressure sensors resist organic constituents in gases
Waterproof pressure sensors have been added to Alps Alpine’s pressure sensor range, starting mass production of a new waterproof pressure sensor that retains existing water resistance performance while also being highly resistant to organic constituents in gases.
Desktop Metal and Henkel validate 3D printing workflow
Desktop Metal and Henkel have announced the first initial workflow validation for the Xtreme 8K, the largest digital light processing (DLP) build volume machine for the 3D printing market. Following the two companies’ collaboration on applications on ETEC’s printer platforms for industrial and medical use, validation of Henkel’s Loctite branded formulations shows support from both partners for volume production in additive manufacturing.
3D MIDs integrates more into medical devices, says Harting
Mechatronics allows for the extreme downsizing or miniaturizing of medical applications, enabling examination, sensing, and monitoring from within the patient. Medical devices can therefore be designed to be much less invasive, leading to a significant improvement in patient care. Harting maintained that taking large medical machines and devices and putting them into a more compact package without sacrificing quality is part of 3D-Circuits’ role.
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