At next month’s CES, Bosch Sensortec will unveil a sensor that is one step closer to a personalised trainer. The BHI260AP revolutionises fitness tracking, says the company by recognising exercises based on users’ different movements, and styles of movement, as well as the equipment used, body sizes and performance levels.
What’s in Your Healthcare Monitor?
Consumers are increasingly interested in monitoring their own health due to both increased health awareness and the ability to use monitoring to prevent or treat various diseases. For instance, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol levels are pervasive problems—due in no small part to changes in lifestyles—while at the same time, the proliferation of smartphones and wearable devices enable consumers to use health monitoring applications to assist them in maintaining optimal health.
NanoPower modules extend battery life in space-constrained applications
Designers can extend battery life and reduce size in space-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices with two nanoPower modules with built-in inductors from Analog Devices. Both products are part of Analog Devices’ Essential Analog family of efficient power ICs. The MAXM38643 1.8V to 5.5V input, 330nA quiescent current (IQ), 600mA buck module and the MAXM17225 0.4V to 5.5V input, 300nA IQ, 1A boost module with True Shutdown feature the lowest IQ compared to competitive solutions and deliver more battery life.
RDK2 development kit aids proof of concepts
Marketed as a complete solution for firmware and hardware developers, the RDK2 development kit from Rutronik, this modular toolkit uses the PSoC62 microcontroller from Infineon Cypress and provides a solution for applications in Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), smart wearables and smart home.
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