Op amps enable precision in health monitors

Op amps enable precision in health monitors: Low, temperature-stable input-offset voltage is a characteristic of the TSZ182 dual precision op amp. STMicroelectronics offer it in a 2.0 x 2.0mm DFN8 or mini-So8 package.

Other features are a 3MHz gain-bandwidth, rail-to-rail inputs and outputs. It is chopper-stabilised for precision in instruments such as body-signal monitors, blood-glucose meters, industrial sensors, factory automation, and low-side current sensing.

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Tips and tricks on how to make wearable health devices more reliable and power-efficient

Critical parameters for a wearable health device are the ability to measure multiple parameter, accuracy of readings and a long battery life, writes Jan-Hein Broeders, healthcare business development manager Europe, Analog Devices.

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Bluetooth SoC is optimised for small, wearable applications

Designed for use in Bluetooth low energy applications, such as beacons or smart sensing wearables, the EM9304 is based on Bluetooth 4.2. The small, low power, SoC is from EM Microelectronic, the semiconductor company of the Swatch Group.

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Health patch monitors and tracks the wearer

Able to measure cardiac activity, bio-impedance and physical activity, this health patch has been developed by imec and the Holst Centre. It is available for licence by partner companies.

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