Claimed to be the smallest Arduino board to date, Nicla Sense ME has been created by Arduino Pro and Bosch Sensortec. It makes sensing and intelligence at the edge accessible to all, says Bosch Sensortec.
Hand-held camera cube reference design brings AI to the edge
Artificial intelligence (AI) which was previously limited to expensive machines with large power budgets can now be embedded in space-constrained, power-powered edge devices. Maxim Integrated says its MAXREFDES178# camera cube executes low latency AI vision and hearing inferences on a coin cell power budget with reduced cost and size.
SDRAM halves power consumption compared to LPDDR4s says Alliance Memory
Battery life in portable electronics can be extended with the 8Gbit AS4C256M32MD4V-062BAN SDRAM, says Alliance Memory. The latest addition to its high speed, CMOS mobile low power SDRAMs is a LPDDR4X device, featuring on-chip error code correction (ECC).
Payment bracelets interpret gestures and use biometric data
Collaboration between Italian start-up, DEED and Infineon Technologies, is showcased at MWC21. The get bracelets interpret human gestures and use biometic data to pick up a call or make payments.
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