Medical implant communication system (MICS) modules in the Type 1RM family from Murata now include the LBAA0PC1RMH298 module. This small MICS band radio module uses the 402 to 405MHz frequency band and supports a 128kbits per second data rate. It can cover a communication range of up to 2m and is designed for use in body-worn and implantable monitoring/diagnostic devices.
Weartech-Components & Hardware
Temperature sensor enables privacy-first health screenings
QuikSense is a cost-effective and scalable temperature solution that integrates with existing hardware which can be tailored for use with laptops, desktops or temperature kiosks, advises IntraEdge.
Surface mount PPTCs save space in mobile, wearable devices
Littelfuse has announced polymeric positive temperature coefficients (PPTCs) that protect and save space in mobile, wearable designs.
Binder unveils printing technique that gives sensors a new dimension
Functional electronic layers can be laid directly on a component, says binder. The binder Innovation & Technology Center has developed the direct printing technique.
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