Security is taken seriously at Nordic Semiconductor, which has introduced the nRF5340 SoC, with Arm CryptoCell-312, Arm TrustZone technology and Secure Key Storage for the highest level of security, says the company. The most common internet encryption standards are hardware accelerated with the Arm CryptoCell-312, while Arm TrustZone provides system-wide hardware isolation for trusted software by creating secure and non-secure code execution areas on a single core. The nRF5340’s combined security features enable advanced root-of-trust and secure firmware updates while protecting the SoC from malicious attack, claims Nordic Semiconductor.
Weartech-Comms / Bluetooth / Wireless
Interface module enables MEMS microphone array testing
Audio Precision has introduced a PDM 16 module for the company’s APx500 Series audio analysers. The module offers simultaneous acquisition and measurement of up to 16 channels of pulse density modulation (PDM) signals, making it the highest channel-count solution available for MEMS microphone and MEMS mic array testing, claims the company.
Bluetooth low energy module from u-blox includes direction finding
Features such as direction finding, long range and operation up to +105 degrees C make up the u-blox NINA-B4 series of standalone modules. They are designed for indoor positioning applications and for deployments in harsh environments.
Editors Blog – How troops command agility
Modern warfare can take place over large areas and military command centres are required to remotely monitor events in difficult terrain and harsh conditions, reports Caroline Hayes.
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