Barometric pressure sensors are a key component in fitness tracking wearables, to determine altitude. Bosch Sensortec has introduced the BMP585 robust barometric pressure sensor that can be used under water and in harsh environments.
Watch protects with fall detection
Motorola partner, eBuyNow eCommerce has updated the moto watch 100, which is claimed to be the most affordable smart watch. It now features fall detection technology that monitors and protects vulnerable wearers.
TDK adds machine learning IMU to SmartBug
An all-in-one multi-sensor developed by TDK includes the ICM-456xy balanced gyro IMU (inertial measurement unit) and is machine learning enabled – to build, test, and deploy machine learning (ML) models on the IMU. A head tracking solution has been added for TWS (true wireless stereo) and augmented reality (AR) glasses.
Smart AI sensor system is a digital fitness coach, says Bosch
The BHI360 is a new programmable IMU-based sensor system from Bosch Sensortech which combines a gyroscope with an accelerometer that enables full customisation. The integrated sensor fusion library enables 3D audio with head orientation for personalised sound experiences as well as simple gesture recognition.
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