A ceramic port is included in the design of the Bourns Model BPS140 pressure sensor to enhance its compatibility with certain harsh media, explains the company.
Low power digital voice and data transceiver has range of 12km
To sustain secure digital voice and data communication channels over ranges in excess of 12km (line of sight) for systems operating in licensed and unlicensed bands, CML Microcircuits has introduced the SCT2400 transceiver.
Alliance Memory adds LPDDR2 devices to low power SDRAM portfolio
Low power SDRAMs from Alliance Memory now include 256Mbit LPDDR2 devices in 134-ball and 168-ball FBGA packages.
Precision positioning antenna has enhanced positioning
Antenna and RF antenna module manufacturer, Antenova, is now shipping its latest positioning antenna, Raptor. It is able to pinpoint a location to within centimetres, claims the company.
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