Features for women’s health are enabled with the addition of a temperature sensor in the Apple Watch Series 8. The sensor introduces temperature-sensing capabilities, retrospective ovulation estimates, crash detection and international roaming. The design is much unchanged from earlier Apple watches with a large, always-on retina display and a strong crack-resistant front crystal.
Sector News
HTC Vive introduces facial tracker and eye tracker to VR
Enhanced eye and facial tracking have been introduced in HTC VIVE’s Focus 3 Eye Tracker and Focus 3 Facial Tracker, allowing enhanced virtual collaboration and human interaction.
Anisotropic interconnect weaves its magic
Solders are the most conductive electrical connection but adhesion to wearable and conformable materials can be problematic. They can be rigid and require both an underfill adhesive and a post bond encapsulation.
Arduino board can be sewn into fabric for e-textiles
The LilyPad Arduino USB board is designed for e-textiles and wearables projects. They can be sewn into fabric and to power supplies, sensors and actuators with conductive thread. The board can be attached directly to a computer using only a micro USB cable. The LilyPad Arduino USB microcontroller board is available from Cool Components.
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