Qualcomm has unveiled the Snapdragon XR2+ for what it describes as the next generation of mixed and virtual reality devices. It delivers 50 per cent higher sustained power and 30 per cent improved thermal performance compared with the purpose built Snapdragon XR for immersive metaverse experiences in smaller, lighter form factors.
Sector News
2K2K square resolution CMOS image sensor maximises vertical coverage
For security wide-field of view and AR / VR / MR pass-through cameras, Omnivision’s first 2K2K (2048 x 2048) square resolution CMOS image sensor introduces features to the industry. The OS04E10 is claimed to be the industry’s first image sensor with digital watermarking, a built-in anti-spoofing feature that ensures no tampering with the original video source takes place.
Accessories get a handle on Smart-Case IP 65 handheld enclosures
OKW has increased the accessories available for its handheld Smart-Case enclosures. These additions bring the available accessories to more than any of the manufacturer’s other 18 portable housings.
Murata’s Type 2AB UWB Bluetooth modules are available from Rutronik
Small, wideband modules by Murata combine low power consumption and accurate results for compact, battery powered IoT devices.
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