Fitness analytics provide training reports: Heatbeat analytics from Firstbeat have been added to the Huawei Watch 2. The company licenses analytics to consumers and has also developed a specialised sports monitoring platform that is used by over 600 professional sports teams around the world to optimise performance, reduce injuries and fast-track player development. The two companies worked together to create Fit, which was launched in 2016.
This generation of smartwatch focuses on fitness monitoring and introduces training reports. It uses multiple sensors with advanced algorithms to offer analytics such as automatic VO2max fitness level detection. The metric defines personal fitness levels by revealing your body’s ability to use oxygen. Traditionally available through laboratory testing, Firstbeat estimates VO2max fitness levels using a combination of speed and heartbeat data obtained during running and walking activities. Users can see their current fitness level, compare it to other people of the same age and gender, and evaluate whether they are currently fit enough to gain health benefits, or if there is room to improve. It also holds the key to personalising training prescriptions. Watching VO2max fitness level change over time can be rewarding and serve as a powerful motivator for improvement, says the company.