At the end of last month Casio Computer unveiled its latest smartwatch. The G-Shock watch GBD-H1000 has a heart rate monitor and GPS functionality and uses the Renesas low power RE Family as its main controller.
ICs & Semiconductors
OLED microdisplay has wide viewing angle for augmented reality
Designed for augmented reality (AR) devices, the ECX335S microdisplay series from Sony Semiconductor Solutions is claimed to have outstanding brightness, contrast and resolution and a wide viewing angle, making it suitable for head-mounted displays (HMDs), electronic viewfinders (VFs) and small monitors.
Optiga Connect 5G authenticates mobile consumer devices
Infineon has extended its embedded SIM (eSIM) portfolio, adding the Optiga Connect eSIM for mobile consumer devices. It supports all GSMA standards from 3G to 5G and securely authenticates the device to the chosen subscribed carrier network of choice. It has a small imprint, making it suitable for smartphones, tablets and wearable devices (smart watches or fitness trackers).
STM32L4+ microcontrollers bring Cortex-M4 performance to smart devices
Two microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics, the STM32L4P5 and STM32L4Q5 microcontrollers bring the performance of the Arm Cortex-M4 core to cost-sensitive and power-conscious smart connected devices, says the company. Target applications include utility meters, industrial and medical sensors, fitness trackers, and smart home products.
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