Evaluation board simplifies NFC in wearables, IoT, smart cities
To accelerate the design of wearables, product identification, and smart-city applications, the Cloud-ST25TA evaluation board is based on STMicroelectronics’ ST25TA02K chip. Engineers can use it to start adding an NFC interface to any kind of electronic device, from Bluetooth audio products and wearable devices to NFC posters and business cards.
The board consists of a range of NFC Forum Type 4 tag chips with what is claimed to be the industry’s widest range of integrated EEPROM size (512bit up to 64kbit) with data retention times of up to 200 years. It also operates across the industry’s widest temperature range (-40 to +85°C), and can endure one million erase-write cycles.
Devices can be used for WiFi and/or Bluetooth pairing, smart posters (e.g. storing URLs or triggering apps), Vcards containing contact details and ID photo, product identification, asset tracking, and a host of other consumer, industrial, and IoT applications.
The chip is packaged in a UFDFPN5 (1.7 x 1.4mm), suitable for use where board space is at a premium. An optional password is claimed to guarantee data security when used in a tag.
For analytics, a 20bit event counter tracks the level of interest in the information contained in the tag. A general-purpose output is asserted every time an event occurs in the RF field. This output can be used as a wake-up signal for WiFi and Bluetooth, and it does not require any external components.
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