Microchip Technology has introduced its highest-density EEPROM to date, the 25CSM04. The 4Mbit EEPROM is the largest EEPROM available to developers, doubling the 2Mbit density which is currently available.
Maxim Integrated accelerates USB-C Power Delivery development
Two devices from Maxim Integrated are designed to overcome the challenges of implementing USB-C Power Delivery (PD), says the company. Designers can cut development time by three months, using the MAX77958 USB-C PD controller, while also halving the solution size with the MAX77962 buck-boost charger.
Temperature sensor enables privacy-first health screenings
QuikSense is a cost-effective and scalable temperature solution that integrates with existing hardware which can be tailored for use with laptops, desktops or temperature kiosks, advises IntraEdge.
Binder unveils printing technique that gives sensors a new dimension
Functional electronic layers can be laid directly on a component, says binder. The binder Innovation & Technology Center has developed the direct printing technique.
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