QuickLogic is to license low power programmable logic technology
Announcing a strategic initiative with GlobalFoundries, QuickLogic will broaden its market reach, by selectively licensing its proprietary, low power, programmable logic technology under the trade name ArcticPro eFPGA. This embedded FPGA initiative is in conjunction with a partnership agreement with the foundry, enabling SoC design companies to acquire a license from QuickLogic to embed ArcticPro low power eFPGA technology in designs targeting GlobalFoundries’ new power- and cost-optimised 22nm FDSOI fabrication technology, which is scheduled for production in 2017.
ArcticPro IP is also available now for designs targeting the foundry’s 65nm and 40nm fabrication technologies.
QuickLogic expects to announce additional foundry partners in the future.
One of the primary drivers of the growth in the embedded semiconductor IP market is an expected rapid expansion of the IoT market, which is forecasted to reach nearly $11 Billion by 2022. According to QuickLogic, this growth opportunity presents SoC designers with new challenges. Unlike the mobile market, which is dominated by smartphones, the IoT market includes a wide variety of end products and product variants that are difficult to address with a single fixed SoC design. This fact, combined with the steadily rising cost of bringing SoC devices to market, is prompting the trend to increase the flexibility of SoCs to accommodate a wider selection of end product designs. At leading edge fabrication nodes, this is economically accomplished with embedded programmable logic.
The company has nearly three decades of experience in developing low power and silicon-efficient programmable logic technology and design tools, says Brian Faith president and CEO of QuickLogic. The company will introduce the new Borealis
Design Tool Suite in Q1 2017, to enable SoC designers to evaluate, target and define custom eFPGA logic cell array sizes and generate the necessary design files for SoC integration.
ArcticPro eFPGA IP is currently available for designs targeting GlobalFoundries’ 65 and 40nm processes and will be available with the new 22nm FDX process in 2017.
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